Vigiljoch hiking paradise

Vigiljoch hiking paradise

If you can walk from the hotel to the cable car in just two minutes, you’ll feel no regret at leaving your car parked for a couple of days. Numerous hiking trails between the spa town and the main Alpine ridge are at the ready and waiting to be explored.

The settlement history of this lush green mountain face between the Ulten/Ultimo Valley and the Meran basin stretches back around 10,000 years to the end of the last ice age. The people lived on the mountain slopes at that time as Lana, at the bottom of the valley, was nothing but marshland. Slowly but surely the land was drained, and today Lana is home to over 10,000 people while the erstwhile marshland has given us the fertile soil for what is, quite possibly, the most beautiful apple orchard in South Tyrol.

A wealth of natural springs, well-kept hiking trails and countless hours of sunshine: Hikers on the main Alpine ridge can look forward to all the unspoilt purity of a natural hiking paradise. Along the extensive network of trails between the Deutschnonsberg/Alta Val di Non plateau and the spa town of Meran, the sub-mediterranean climate of the Etsch/Adige Valley shines at its beautiful best.

The hiking season on the Vigiljoch gets off to an early start in the spring months. Hiking amongst the cherry and apple trees in bloom gives way to hikes through the blossoming Alpine rose, while the yellow hues of the larch guide hikers through the breathtaking beauty of golden autumn.

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